Describe Business Model? Identify Four Major Component of Business Model?

Business Model:
            It represents the common group of characteristic and methods of doing business to generate sales revenues and reduce expenses.
Major components of Business Model:
1.      The Offering
v  Value Proposition:
            The value proposition is a description of the products and services the business offers and why customers will be compelled to buy them. The value proposition describes the problem the customers are experiencing and how the products and services being offered will help solve that problem. It describes how the features and characteristics of the products and services will contribute to the solution of the customers’ problem.
2.      Infrastructure
              This is the part of the business that creates expenses. This part describes the basic facilities, skills, manpower, partnerships, and production process needed to exploit the business opportunity. 
v  Core capabilities:
            The capabilities and core competencies necessary to operate the business. This includes land, facilities, equipment, personnel and their required skills needed to produce the products or services described in the value proposition.  

v  Partner network:
               The business alliances needed to operate the business.  Most businesses need alliances, agreements, licenses, or other third-party assistance (legal, accounting, insurance, security, etc.) which are usually purchased from specialized service providers.

v  Value configuration:
               The process by which the products or services are produced and presented to the customer. The value configuration describes how the materials, supplies, and other required resources will be obtained and transformed into usable products or services and how they will be made available to buyers. 

3.      Customers
              This is the part of the business that generates revenue.
v  Target customer:
            The demographics, purchasing patterns, and location of the potential buyers of the products described in the value proposition. 

v  Distribution channel:
            The means by which the business delivers products and services to customers. This includes the business's marketing and distribution strategy.

v  Customer relationships:
            The process of interacting with the business’s customers.  It includes communicating; selling, supporting, and assisting customers purchase and use the business’s products or services.

4.      Finances
              This is the part of the business that determines its financial performance and profit

v  Investment
            The investment needed to obtain the facilities, equipment, and working capital to begin or sustain operations.  This should include an itemization of these expenses and sources of financing to obtain these funds and when they will be required.

v  Cost structure:
            The expenses required to produce the products or services described in the value proposition.  It should include an itemization of the expenses required by expense category and the assumptions made to estimate these expenses.

v  Revenue:
            The income a business receives from the sales of its products or services.  This includes sales volume and revenue projections and the assumptions and logic used to make these projections.
