Difference between Managerial and Entrepreneurial Decision
difference between the entrepreneurial
and the managerial styles (Managerial styles are called the
administrative domain) can be viewed from five key business dimensions; which
are following.
The entrepreneur’s strategic orientation
depends on his or her perception of the opportunity. This orientation is most
important when other opportunities have diminishing returns accompanied by
rapid changes in technology, consumer economies, social values, or political
rules. When the use of planning systems as well as measuring
performance to control current resources is the strategic orientation, the
administrative (managerial) domain is operant, as is the case with many large
multi-national org.
to Opportunity
In terms of the commitment to
opportunity, the second key business dimension, the two domains vary
greatly with respect to the length of this commitment. The
entrepreneurial domain is pressured by the need for action, short
decision windows, a willingness to assume risk, and few decision constituencies
and has a short time span in terms of opportunity commitment. This
administrative (managerial) domain is not only slow to act on an opportunity,
but once action is taken, the commitment is usually for a long-time
span, too long in some instances. There are often no mechanisms set up in
companies to stop and re-evaluate an initial resource commitment once it is
made - a major problem in the administrative (managerial) domain.
of Resources
An entrepreneur is used to having
resources committed at periodic intervals that are often based on certain
tasks or objectives being reached. These resources, often
acquired from others, are usually difficult to obtain, forcing the
entrepreneur to maximize any resources used. This multistage
commitment allows the resource providers (such as venture capitalists or
private investors) to have as small an exposure as possible at each stage of
business development and to constantly monitor the track record
being established. Even though the funding may also be implemented
in stages in the administrative domain, the commitment of the recourses is for
the total amount needed. Administratively oriented individuals
respond to the source of the rewards offered and receive personal rewards
by effectively administering the resources under their control.
of Resources
Control of the resources follows a
similar pattern. Since the administrator (manager)
is rewarded by effective resource administration, there is often a
drive to own or accumulate as many resources as possible. The
pressures of power, status, and financial rewards cause the
administrator (manager) to avoid rental or other periodic use
of the resource. The opposite is true for the entrepreneur who—under
the pressure of limited resources, the risk of obsolescence, a need for
flexibility, and the risks involved—strives to rent, or otherwise achieve
periodic use of, the recourses on an as-needed basis.
The final business dimension,
management structure, also differs significantly between the two domains. In
the administrative domain, the organizational structure is formalized
and hierarchical in nature, reflecting the need for clearly defined lines of
authority and responsibility the entrepreneur, true to his or her desire for
independence employs a flat organizational structure with informal networks
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