Explain the Barriers to creativity.

Explain the Barriers to creativity.
            Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions.
Barriers to Creativity:
1)           We Are Not in A Creative Sector
            You may not be an organization that is in the creative sector but that does not mean that you should not be looking at different ways of doing things.

2)           I Don’t Have Time
            As a leader, there are two very distinct but interrelated roles to consider taking care of the present and building long term sustained success in the future. It is easy to fill your schedule with the here and now and fool yourself into believing you have no time.

3)      Over Control
            Much is said and written about employee engagement. The fact is employees will only engage if they feel that if they come up with an idea it will be given appropriate consideration. If you want to control everything you will never get creativity.

4)      No Incentive
            Look at the reward structures in your organization. Do they reward people who come up with good solutions or do they just treat people as if they are all the same?

5)      Fear of Failure:
            Every organization needs to take some degree of risk. Those risks might result in successes sometimes and failure at other times. If you fear failure, your organization, team or function will always be sub-optimal in terms of results. We often learn more when we fail than when we succeed.
6)      Complacency
            The minute you think you have it cracked you are in dangerous waters. Just look at organizations that were around in the past who are not any longer. Don’t ever think that you have it all cracked.
